Pelvic Floor PT

Sound Familiar?

  • Do you struggle with pain during intercourse? maybe it prevents you from having intercourse altogether? can’t even wear a tampon?

  • Do you have leakage with exercise? stopped going to your gym? only wear black pants to hide any leakage?

  • Do you map bathrooms everywhere you go? Feel like you are constantly having to pee?

  • Do you have pressure down there or heaviness that’s worse by the end of the day?

  • Have your complained of pain down there to others and they just tell you everything looks fine?

  • Do you feel like you have a UTI but keep testing negative and just keep taking different antibiotics?


Conditions we treat

Pelvic pain

  • Vaginismus (unable to tolerate penetration)

  • Dyspareunia (pain with intercourse)

  • Pudendal neuralgia (nerve pain in pelvis)

  • vulvodynia/vestibulodynia (pain in the vulva or vagina)

  • Coccydynia (painful tailbone)

  • Piriformis syndrome

  • SIJ / pubic symphysis pain associated with pregnancy

  • Endometriosis/adenomyosis related pain symptoms

  • Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM)

Bladder / Bowel

  • urinary leakage

  • urinary urgency / frequency

  • interstitial cystitis

  • constipation

  • fecal leakage

  • dysynergic defecation


  • Cystocele (bladder)

  • urethrocele (urethra)

  • Rectocele (rectum)

  • Vault prolapse (all 3)

  • Pre and post op care

  • *if you had the surgery years ago and your symptoms have returned, let us help you

Questions before getting started

Get in touch 

How we can support you

We offer services in-office or virtually. Our care is always patient-centered, individualized, evidence-based, and provided on a one-on-one basis. We believe in involving you in all decisions concerning your care and help empower you throughout your rehab journey. We also take a collaborative approach to involve other clinicians and health care providers as needed to ensure your needs are met.

How it works

  1. Set up a free phone consultation

  2. Schedule an appointment (in clinic, virtual, and home visits available)

  3. Get a customized treatment plan

Includes, but not be limited to:

-Assessing the pelvic floor including the muscles, ligaments, joints, nerves

-Assessing the whole body and how it connects to concerns of your pelvic floor

-Strengthening your pelvic floor musculature

-Manual therapy including myofascial techniques, muscle and joint manipulations, cupping, IASTM, etc.

-Education of use of vaginal trainers, wands, etc. as needed

-Education on how to minimize pain and leakage

-Establishment of an individualized home exercise program


Pregnancy PT & Birth Prep